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lee nguyen pc Busy life circumstances than the current world history. Mario | Friv | Doraemon Games | Kizi by Rony Nguyen @ 4/28/16, 3:47 AM Change your future with Wall Street English Englisch erleben in Berlin – und gewinnen! For all our native German Speaking fans Check check out the raffle going on at Wall Street English you might win a Friday Night Dinner at Another Country. Wall Street English by kdhm @ 7/18/13, 5:41 PM Quiz Night continues... 8 rounds of questions. Categories include: General Knowledge, Literature, Film & TV, Audio round, a mystery round and a rapid-fire buzzer round.* Only 1 EUR per person. Come with a team or come alone and join a team. PRIZES: The winning team wins a round of drinks and a voucher for Another Country! Questions will ... by kdhm @ 5/13/11, 5:21 PM Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Recall Dangerous Lead Levels Cause Another Nuclear Sludge Recall: A recall has been issued on a popular candy item due to dangerous levels of lead found in the candy. The candy is called Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge, and it is manufactured by a company called Candy Dynamics. The company issued a voluntary recall after ... by cherry_cola @ 1/30/11, 10:26 PM Winter Days, Winter Nights Winter Days, Winter Nights AT ANOTHER COUNTRY BOOKSHOP Entrance is free. Drinks are cheap!!! Feel free to just show up. TUESDAY NIGHTS IN DECEMBER Film starts at 9:00 The 7th "Russian Ark" (2002) The 14th "Home Alone" (1990) The 21st "Gremlins" (1984) The 28th "The Thing" (1982) FRIDAY NIGHTS IN DECEMBER DINNER IS SERVED AT 9:30 TV starts at 8:00 A TV medley of ... by kdhm @ 12/7/10, 11:33 AM day late Thanksgiving Dinner this Friday (this week only €6 due to additional costs for meal) Friday Night Thanksgiving Dinner Roast Turkey with all the trimmings New Glee episode and x factor before dinner and this years cheesy after Thanksgiving Dinner Musical will be in keeping with Scotland theme Month Brigadoon TV shows start around 8:00 Dinner at 9:30 (don´t be too ... by kdhm @ 11/24/10, 2:24 PM Tuesday and Friday Films at Bookshop SCOTTISH FILM MONTH AT ANOTHER COUNTRY BOOKSHOP Entrance is free. Drinks are cheap!!! Feel free to just show up. TUESDAY NIGHTS IN NOVEMBER We will be showing the new BBC series "Lip Service" set in Glasgow Tuesdays at 8pm followed by a film beginning at 9pm. The 2nd "Highlander" (1986) The 9th "Trainspotting" (1996) The 16th "Local Hero" (1983) The ... by kdhm @ 11/3/10, 3:54 PM Dinner at 9:30 and Film at 10:45 Tonight´s Film Topper (1937) Topper is a comedy film which tells the story of a stuffy, stuck-in-his-ways man who is haunted by the ghosts of a fun-loving married couple. It was adapted by Eric Hatch, Jack Jevne and Eddie Moran from the novel by Thorne Smith. The film was directed by ... by kdhm @ 10/22/10, 4:10 PM Face Book Another Country Berlin - News and Events | Promote your Page Check out our Facebook page for events info too by kdhm @ 10/12/10, 10:31 AM
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Gender Bender To The Max! cherry_cola, 13:39h
The first person legally classified as gender neutral has a video about feeling free.
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Half-Hen/Half-Rooster Shows Cells Can Decide Sex cherry_cola, 12:50h
So which came first... the chicken or the egg? March 11, 2010 Scottish scientists have learned some important lessons about sex determination by studying some peculiar chickens. Really peculiar chickens. But please take this survey before you read on. We'd like to know how much you know about sex. The question we pose to you: Do women have gonads? If you want instant gratification, the answer to the question is at the bottom of this page. Or read on and the answer will be clear. Gender-Bending Chickens OK, back to the chickens. Michael Clinton of the University of Edinburgh studies these peculiar chickens, called "gynandromorphs." They're split down the middle: One side looks male; the other side, female. Clinton wanted to know how this happened. Like humans, chickens have male and female sex chromosomes. And these sex chromosomes tell a chicken which one to be. "Sex chromosomes determine whatever gonad forms," says Clinton. So male sex chromosomes tell the gonads to be testes, and female sex chromosomes tell them to be ovaries, and then "the hormones produced by the gonad define what the individual looks like." When he started studying the half-and-half birds, Clinton figured there would have been some weird chromosomal abnormality so the gonads would send out scrambled hormonal signals. But that turned out to be wrong. The chickens were a mix of male and female cells. And it was the cells, not the hormones, that seemed to be calling the shots. "It's a really unscientific way of putting it but it seems that these cells know whether they are male or female," says Clinton. Normally, chickens have only male or female cells, but not both. Clinton says chickens with this mix of cells are rare, but maybe not as rare as people think. "If they are the same color, for example, you might think well, that's a funny-looking chicken. But you wouldn't think it's half-male and half-female," he says. Clinton reports his chicken study in today's issue of the journal Nature. Cells Know What Sex To Be Arthur Arnold of the University of California, Los Angeles says Clinton's work raises a fundamental question about how animals, and the cells that make up the animal, know what sex to be when they grow up. "Is that sex imposed on it from hormonal signals coming from the outside of the cell, or from signals coming from within the cells from its own genome? And the answer is: It's both," says Arnold. Up until now, scientists who study sexual development assumed that in birds and mammals hormones were by far the more important signal. But the chicken study puts that in doubt. "Maybe this is something that's specific to chickens or to vertebrates other than mammals. It's not clear yet," says Blanche Capel, a developmental biologist at Duke University. She says it shouldn't be all that surprising that signals other than hormones may be important. She studies turtles, and they use temperature to determine which sex to be. "There are many, many variations on the mechanisms that control sex determination, and many different animals do it in completely different ways. And the answer to our quiz question: Yes, females have gonads. They're called ovaries. In males, they're called testes. Did you know that already?
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Gender and Science Fiction - Coming to the Bookshop soon! tommyblank, 21:49h
Who believes in the Cyborg Manifesto anyway....?
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Documentary: Science of Horror - If the chainsaw is the penis... tommyblank, 16:25h
![]() Premiere: 05th of August 2008; 8 p.m. at Moviemento in Berlin, Kreuzberg. Trailer and Info: www.ScienceOfHorror.de Synopsis: Horror films are pornographic and eroticise the abject. Yet, they relieve, they are humorous and challenge cultural taboos. “Science Of Horror” is the first documentary to analyze horror film from the perspective of feminist film critique. Carol Clover discovers the "final girl" in “Texas Chainsaw Masscare”, an androgynous but clearly feminine hero. Therewith, Clover delivers an essential formula of the genre and the foundation for further assumptions. Women are horror’s favourite victims but also its heroes. The phallus, indicator of social power, becomes a flexible object in horror: The chainsaw in the "final girl’s" hands allows a different look on the cultural norms of Western societies – the genre undermines heterosexual attribution. It is with that theory in mind, that Judith Halberstam develops a queer reading of the genre and illustrates along the “Chucky” series how explicitly sexuality runs through horror and which sexual vicissitudes the genre offers. Those theoretic assumptions are proven with citations from well-known horror films and confronted with statements of renowned filmmakers. Thus, the documentary is the first to lead a discourse between film theory and film practice. Wes Craven, John Carpenter and Tom Savini comment on their films and their fans. Bruce Campbell explains why he depicts a male victim in the “Evil Dead” movies. Joe Hill criticizes "torture porn" because of its shallowness, whereas Neil Marshall elucidates why “The Descent” consciously plays with audience’s expectations. The documentary concludes that there is more to the genre than the sum of its effects. Horror is utterly unique. Director`s Comment: With the arrival of literary works such as Carol Clover’s „Men, Women and Chain Saws“ (1992) as well as Linda William’s „Hard Core“ (1989), feminist film theory took a new look at the so called „low body genres“. Until then, genres such as horror and pornography had been mainly condemned by feminist writings, as it was regarded as a cinema, which was solely made for a male audience, often serving to fulfil sadistic pleasures. “Men, Women and Chain Saws” and “Hard Core” also gained critical acclaim, as it emerged from an acknowledged academic background, with both authors being scholars at the University of California, Berkeley. Although never denying the misogynistic subtexts in those genres, the authors opened the door and gave way for a feminist reading, which went beyond the established and often negative attitudes towards these genres. “Science Of Horror” tries to capture those newer cycles of ideas. It quite consciously opens with the recurring famous topics of horror, such as “censorship” and “catharsis”, but develops into a discourse, which more and more finds a focus on the gender related approaches. By doing this, it likes to provide a broad scientific look at the genre, while incorporating issues, which have not been discussed in film before. The almost equal appearances of filmmakers and theorists within the film, is a means to explore the genre from different perspectives. In addition, it is a comment on the often neglected influence, which the two disciplines, filmmaking and film criticism, have on each other. (Katharina Klewinghaus, January 2008)
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